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Strengthening your account security with Two-Factor Authentication at Blink

At Blink, your security is our top priority. Cyber threats are continuously evolving with technological advances; hence it's crucial to adopt measures to protect online accounts. That's why we have rolled out an exciting new feature to safeguard your Blink account further. Introducing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). 2FA provides an extra layer of protection and ensures the confidentiality of your business's financial information is safe.

What is 2FA?  

2FA brings a second security step into your Blink login process, designed to protect your online accounts from unauthorised access. To complete the 2FA, you'll provide the first factor, your password. And the second factor will be a verification code via an authentication app. 

Why enable 2FA?

Enabling 2FA for your Blink account provides several benefits:

Enhanced security
With 2FA, you'll have an additional layer of protection beyond just a password, ensuring that only authorised individuals can access your account. 

Mitigating password vulnerabilities
We understand that passwords can be weak or compromised. With 2FA, the second factor required for authentication adds a robust barrier against unauthorised access. 

Protecting your account
Your Blink account contains sensitive financial information, and we want to ensure it remains secure. With 2FA, you reduce the risk of fraudulent activities or unauthorised transactions. 

How to get started?

Enabling 2FA is quick and easy. Follow the instructions here to get started. Once activated, a prompt will appear to enter a unique verification code in addition to your password during login.

Need help?

Our team is available if you have any questions or require assistance enabling 2FA.

In this digital age, where personal information is increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats, protecting our online accounts is essential. Ensure your data is secure, and take the proactive step with us.

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